Return of Group Programs

10th November 2021
We are pleased to announce that we plan to start re-opening The Space for group programs. There is limited availability due to COVID restrictions and some building renovations.
The Storeroom side is currently closed, but we have been given access to the art gallery out the back which we have set up for our use.
Starting from Monday 8th, we will resume offering our art, Dungeons & Dragons and teen gaming groups. Priority will be given to existing clients in these groups, before other clients.
Please note that clients will need to still wear masks, be fully vaccinated and have proof of vaccination on them for their first session.
Please contact Krystal on 0423 847 780 or to book into these groups.

Support During Lockdown

5th August 2021

Due to the current Covid-19 Restrictions in the Newcastle area, support at The Space Newcastle will be changing for the immediate future. Please be in contact with us if you would like to arrange alternative support for the coming weeks. If we do not hear from you,we will assume you would like to continue your usual support timetable.

Please see below for what we are implementing:

1:1 Support

Support workers will be in touch to check your preferences for ongoing support. Where appropriate, support will continue to be delivered within the home or in the community for fitness related activities or assistance with accessing essential goods and services.

Support may also be delivered through online platforms such as Discord.

Study Support

Study support will be delivered through online platforms where possible. If you do not have a device from which you can study, arrangements can be made to meet at The Space Newcastle to engage in study support.

Social Gaming

Monday and Wednesday 3pm to 6pm, Tuesday (Teenagers) 3:30pm to 6:30pm

Social Gaming will continue – just through online platforms. Support workers will be in contact to arrange what gaming servers will be used or log in to Discord to discuss what games will be played.

Group Programs

Some of our group programs will continue their specific program plans through our online platforms. If this is not a feasible option, we will continue to have support workers available online during the usual program times, to allow our participants to engage in alternative activities.

Game Development and 3D Discovery – (Josh Godfrey)
Wednesday and Friday 9am to 3pm

To continue engaging in these programs, participants will need access to a computer, internet and the Discord server. Josh will be available to connect in on a call and screen share when necessary to support participants’ learning.

Dungeons and Dragons: (Carly Tivey and Aaron Goodacre)

To continue engaging this program, participants will need access to Discord and Roll20.

The morning session (10am to 1:30pm) will feature a one-shot campaign for participants.

In the afternoon session (2:30pm to 6pm), the main campaign, Curse of Strahd, will continue and Carly and Aaron will both be present at this time.

Carly and Aaron will be in touch to coordinate this program and its transition to online support.

Digital & Creative Design/Art & Creative Design: (Carly Tivey)
Monday and Thursday 9am to 3pm

Carly will be available on Discord to talk through current projects that participants have taken home to work on. If you have a project that is at The Space, that you would like dropped off to you so you can continue working on it – please get in touch.

Carly will also provide alternative, digital projects that can be worked on from home during these timeslots.

Science Challenges: (Ella Baldwin)
Tuesday 9am to 3pm

If lockdown lasts more than a week, participants can request a kit to be sent home for them. This will include an instruction sheet and some supplies that will be used to make the experiments that they have been given.We will also provide a YouTube video for a step by step tutorial and Ella will be available to troubleshoot as well.

Social Fitness: (Ella Baldwin)
Thursday 12pm to 3pm 

Participants will be invited to Zoom in and attend a virtual workout with our support workers. We may follow a calming Yoga class together or jump into a high energy aerobics class.


For Programs not listed above, please log in to Discord at the usual program times to see what your support workers have planned!


Discord will be needed by clients to attend most of the online support through The Space.

If you do not have Discord set up already, please refer to the links below.

The Space – Discord Setup.pdf

The Space Discord Server Link:

Discord Download link

We would prefer for all of our participants to stay at home where possible, but if a safe place is required there will always be a staff member present at our Islington centre and you are welcome to come in if necessary.

Stay Safe!

The Space Newcastle

Support During Covid-19

27th June 2021

As the number of cases of Covid-19 climbs in the Sydney region and social restrictions once again change in NSW, The Space Newcastle would like to assure you that protecting the health and wellness of every person we support, their families and our staff is a top priority during this time. At this stage we will continue to offer support to our participants and our centres will remain open, but with some important procedures in place that have been developed from our Covid-19 Safety Plan and in response to current social restrictions:

    • All individuals within our buildings will be strongly encouraged to wear masks.
    • Only staff and scheduled participants will be allowed in our centres and will be asked to check in/out. Visitors will be discouraged from entering.
    • We will complete regular temperature checking of all individuals within the building. Anyone with a fever will be asked to go home.
    • All participants, visitors and staff members are to maintain social distancing procedures.
    • All participants, visitors and staff members are encouraged to maintain good hand washing and cough/sneeze etiquette. Hand sanitiser is always available and other Personal Protective Equipment, such as gloves and masks, are available on request.
    • Anyone who is unwell is asked to stay at home until all symptoms have resolved.
    • Anyone with flu-like symptoms, such as a fever, cough, sore throat, will be asked to remain at home and complete a Covid-19 screening test. The individual will not be able to return to The Space Newcastle until symptoms have resolved and the test has been confirmed as negative.
    • Anyone who has visited the Greater Sydney region, Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Wollongong since the 21st June will not be allowed to enter any of our buildings and should be abiding stay-at-home orders.

We will continue to monitor and respond to current Government regulations and advice. If you have any questions about our services during this time, please contact us on 0423 847 780 or